YEMEN Press Agency

China records 49 new cases of corona

SANAA,June 15 (YPA) – Chinese health officials announced 49 new cases of corona virus, including 36 in the capital, Beijing, raising concerns about a second epidemic.

In addition to the new cases that have been counted in Beijing, the National Health Commission said on Monday that there are three confirmed cases in Hubei Province.

Of the injuries recorded on Monday, 10 are imported from abroad.

In total, there are 177 people living with corona virus in China, two of whom are in serious condition, the highest rate of infections since early May.

China had entered the stage of recovery from the epidemic that emerged at the end of last year in Wuhan, using measures ranging from the application of protective masks, to the approval of closure and isolation.

But the recent discovery of a new batch of local infections in a wholesale food market has sparked widespread concern and reinforced the possibility of a return to strict restrictions.

In the Chinese capital, the authorities have isolated 11 residential areas near the market, and 24 centers have started testing 10,000 people.

The authorities are looking forward to conducting checks for another 46,000 who live in neighborhoods surrounding the market.

The recording of new cases is disturbing news for the rest of the world, highlighting the difficulty of controlling a pandemic still sweeping Latin America, Iran and South Asia.