YEMEN Press Agency

Islah militias capture Tarik Afash’s fighters in Abyan

ABYAN, June 13 (YPA) – A large number of the UAE-backed Tarik Afash forces have been captured by the Saudi-backed Islah militias in Yemen’s southern province of Abyan.

According to sources on Saturday, dozens of Afash fighters were arrested while participating in fighting with the Southern Transitional Council’s militias in several areas of the province.

Ali bin Mohsen Salah, one of the officers of the so-called General Staff of the Saudi-backed exiled Hadi government, said that the Islah militants managed in last week to capture dozens of Tariq Afash fighters in Shakra and Zinjibar district of Abyan province during the military operation that launched by the Islah militia towards Zinjibar city from several axes.