YEMEN Press Agency

Public Prosecution investigates coalition crime against civilians in Subaha neighborhood

SANAA, June 11 (YPA) – The Public Prosecution on Thursday launched investigations into the crime committed by Saudi-led coalition aircraft by dropping cluster bombs on al-Subaha residential neighborhood in Bani Matar district of Sanaa province, according to directives of the Attorney General.

The investigation committee took a field trip to the crime scene to see and take statements from the victims and witnesses about the incident.

During the inspection, records were opened to document all traces of the crime that caused material damage to civilian objects, such as homes, transport means, and poultry farms as a result of bombing, explosions, and shrapnel.

The investigation committee, along with forensic experts, photographed and collected remnants of cluster bombs and fragment.

The committee heard the statements of witnesses from residents of the area and the victims, from of those whose their homes were destroyed, as well as their requests and complaints against the perpetrators of the aggression coalition countries.

The investigation team also moved to a hospital where the injured were being treated from the family of Muqbel al-Jamali, who and his wife and two of his children were severely injured as a result of the bombing on his house in al-Subaha area.