YEMEN Press Agency

4 Boko Haram militants killed in clash with Cameroon army

SANAA, June 7 (YPA) – The Cameroonian forces have killed four militants of the takfiri group Boko Haram in an attack on a northern region of the country, the Cameroonian army said Saturday.

 The terrorists attacked the town of Sagme in the north of the country, and the troops stationed there ambushed them,” a senior officer was quoted by Xinhua as saying.

 According to the officer, “two of the attackers were killed on the spot. Armed clashes began, which lasted for more than four hours. Two others were killed in the operation.”

One of government forces was seriously injured in the clashes, and weapons used by the gunmen were also seized during the attack.

 More than 2,000 people have been killed since Boko Haram began launching attacks in Cameroon’s northernmost state since 2014, according to security reports.