YEMEN Press Agency

Sabiha tribes kidnapped 7 Tariq Afash forces officers

HODEIDAH, May 30 (YPA) – Sabiha tribes kidnapped on Friday seven officers from the forces led by Tariq Afash, supported by Emirati, and threatened to kidnap more, until the release of their sons detained by Tariq, Field sources on the western coast of Hodeidah province confirmed.
Tribal sources said that “the detention of the Sabiha tribes seven of Tariq’s officers comes in response to the Tariq militia kidnapping 16 of the Al-Sabiha tribe and Tariq refused all mediations to reveal their whereabouts or release them.”
The sources confirmed in press statements, “that Sabiha considered any officer who followed Tariq as a target for kidnapping in the West Coast or the coastline as a first stage, and saying there are other stages that will not be announced now and all options are open.”
A few days ago, tension erupted between the militants of the so-called “national resistance” guards of the Republic, led by Tariq Afash with Emirati support, and the Sabiha tribes, which continued to rise against the background of the kidnapping of Tariq’s forces in Mukha and Khokha members of the Sabiha.
For its part, the Sabiha tribes warned, after Tariq’s forces kidnapped six of their sons on Tuesday; Out of “impatience,” Sabiha demanded “the speedy release of its abducted sons before this opened the door for mutual kidnappings and might prompt the entire tribe to mobilize.”
The tribe vowed, in the words of one of its sons, in a press statement to respond, “It will start with a call to tribal contradiction, and it will end up eradicating Tariq’s forces and getting rid of them completely.
It is noteworthy that the Sabiha tribes had supported the forces of Tariq immediately after their formation in controlling areas on the coastal strip of Taiz and Hodeidah governorates, and made, according to tribal sources, about 600 people killed in battles with the army and popular committees, which curbed their ambitions.