YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli forces launch large-scale arrests, raids in West Bank cities

SANAA, May 14 (YPA) – Israeli occupation forces arrested at dawn Thursday several Palestinian citizens from the town of Ya’bod, west of Jenin, and severely beat a young man.

According to the correspondent of The Palestine Now Agency, the Israeli forces arrested the Mu’tasim Rubahi Abu Bakr and his brother Khaled after storming the town and raiding several houses and tampered with its contents.

He added that the 46-year-old national, Najod Khamysa, was transferred to Jenin Government Hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown as a result of the arrest of her two sons.

Moreover, the Israeli occupation forces had arrested her husband, Rubahi and her two sons at earlier time.

More than a 12 military vehicles, accompanied by foot patrols with police dogs, stormed the town and stationed in the neighborhood (Al-Samela) on the southern side of the town, the correspondent added.

At dawn, the Israeli occupation forces arrested the two young men, Thaer Fathi Amarna, 32, a prisoner of war who spent 10 years in Israeli prisons, and Alaa Sobhi Abu Bakr, 24, at a military checkpoint on Jenin Nablus Street, and seized the vehicle they were travelling in.

In the morning, the occupying forces released the young Mu’tasim Abu Bakr after he was severely beaten with batons and rifle butts, after which he was taken to a health center for treatment.

The town of Ya’bod has been under constant raids and arrests for three days, during which the occupying forces arrested more than 27 citizens and stormed dozens of homes.