YEMEN Press Agency

US Department of State comments on Patriot’s withdrawal from Saudi Arabia

SANAA, May 9 (YPA) –  The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo said that ” pulling Patriot missile systems is not a way to “put pressure on Saudi Arabia on oil issues.”

“I would like to make that clear… These Patriot batteries have been deployed for some time and the troops have to return, and they need to be redeployed,” he added.

He continued: “This does not mean recognizing that the risk is reduced. We would like this to be the case, and for the Republic of Iran to change its behavior, but the danger remains.”

Pompeo said the Department of Defense may reveal more details later.

The move is not a reduction of Saudi Arabia’s support, “he said, adding “we are doing everything we can to ensure its security and provide it with air defense systems so that the Iranians cannot threaten it.”

The Wall Street Journal quoted informed sources on Thursday that the US authorities are pulling its Patriot missile defense systems from Saudi Arabia and are considering reducing its military capabilities in the country.