YEMEN Press Agency

Four senior Sudanese officers infected with coronavirus while in custody

SANAA, May 9 (YPA) – Sudanese press reports confirmed that four senior officers arrested in connection with the coup attempt in Sudan, led by General Hashim Abdul Muttalib, have been confirmed to be infected with the new Coronavirus.

The Sudanese Al Mawakib Newspaper reported that the coronavirus was detected in a detention center and it had infected Lt. Gen. Hashim Abdul Muttalib, Major General Ibrahim Ahmed Abdul Rahim al-Toum, Major General Mohieddin Ahmed al-Hadi and Brigadier General  Mohammed Qureshi Ahmed Al-Amin Al-Qurashi.

Sudan’s High Committee for Health Emergencies decided to ban travel between the capital and the states, stressing the need to abide by the announced guidelines on combating the Corona pandemic.