YEMEN Press Agency

200 doctors call for state of emergency in Aden

ADEN, May 6 (YPA) – A medical report revealed Tuesday that 40 citizens died within 24 hours in the southern port city of Aden.

A report issued by the Friendship Hospital in Aden showed a list of 40 suspected cases of coronavirus, which arrived at the hospital under the name “Al-Makrifs” a disease, during the first two days of May.

According to medical estimates in the city, the coronavirus has spread among hundreds of people in the city, amid the silence of health and local authorities on the epidemic.

More than 200 doctors in Aden, in a signed document, called for a two-week state of emergency to confront the corona that has outbroke among the city’s residents.

Doctors noted that the Coronavirus was alarmingly prevalent among citizens, demanding that the victims’ numbers to be revealed.

The doctors demanded urgent the provision of medical supplies for the personal protection of medical staff in government and private hospitals,

They also demanded to complete the preparation process for Al-Amal Hospital and health Quarantine centers in government and private hospitals.

Ali al-Waleed, head of the Aden Epidemiology Committee, said more than 40 deaths and some 3,000 others were infected in what he described as “corona-like fevers”, which are widespread in Aden and have recently escalated alarmingly.