YEMEN Press Agency

Islah militants prepare to storm Zunjbar city in Abyan

ABYAN, April 5 (YPA) – Militants of Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhood) managed on Sunday to advance towards Zunjbar city, the capital of Abyan province, southern Yemen, military sources reported.

The Islah militants took control of the strategic Sheikh Salem area, which overlooks the city of Zunjbar from the eastern side, after fierce battles with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias, according to the sources.

The sources added that the Islah militants approached Qarn al-Klasi camp in the coastal city of Shoqra, towards Zunjbar, amid the retreat and the flight of the STC’s militia towards the city.

The Islah party is seeking to storm Zunjbar, in conjunction with the arrival of huge military reinforcements to Shoqra.

The STC’s militia had taken control of the city of Zunjbar during the events of expulsion of the so-called “legitimacy government” from Aden in August, 2019.