YEMEN Press Agency

WHO: China’s experience gives hope to the world to overcome Corona

SANAA, March 21 (YPA) – The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Friday that the experience of the Chinese city of Wuhan gives the world hope to succeed in overcoming the Corona virus.
According to “Agence France Presse,” Ghebreyesus pointed out during a press conference held on the Internet to the announcement of Wuhan, which witnessed the first cases of the virus, that no new cases were recorded for the second day in a row.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization warned the youth category of the risk of being infected and that they are not immune, despite studies that show that this group does not face the same risk that the elderly and those who suffer from chronic diseases.

Mike Ryan, Executive Director of the World Health Organization’s Emergency Health Program, warned the Middle East against the worsening crisis of the emergence of the emerging corona virus due to the continued mass gatherings.

Ryan said that rallies in some countries in the Middle East could lead to “the exacerbation of the disease and its spread very far from the center,” stressing the need to limit such gatherings.

Ryan called for following instructions from the authorities to combat the spread of the virus and establishing air bridges to transport preventive equipment supplies to countries for health workers and diagnostic tests.

China announced on Friday that it had not recorded any new local infections with the emerging corona virus, while about 88 percent of all people infected with the virus were cured.