YEMEN Press Agency

Child wounded by fire of Zionist enemy in West Bank

SANAA, March 17 (YPA) – A Palestinian child was wounded on Monday evening by the Zionist enemy forces, south of Qalqilya, in the occupied West Bank.
Palestinian sources reported that clashes erupted with the enemy forces near the old Halbah Street, south of Qalqilya, which resulted in a boy being hit by a live bullet in the foot.

Clashes also broke out between the enemy forces and the people of the town of Burin, south of the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank, after a group of settlers attacked the houses of the town.

Witnesses reported that a number of young men suffocated after they came to protect homes, as a result of enemy forces launching tear gas canisters, in the confrontations that erupted after a group of settlers attacked houses south of the town.

Burin and villages in the south of Nablus are subjected to repeated attacks by enemy forces and settlers who live in the “Eitzar” settlement on the town’s lands.