YEMEN Press Agency

Judicial Council’s Head inspects work of courts, procuratorates in Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, March 8 (YPA) – Head of the Supreme Judicial Council Judge Ahmed al-Mutawakkil, Justice Minister Judge Mohammed al-Dailami, and Chief of the Judicial Inspection Authority Judge Ahmed al-Shahari on Sunday inspected the functioning of the courts and procuratorates in Hodeidah province.

During their inspecting visits, Judge al-Mutawakkil and his companions met with heads of a number of courts and procuratorates, and discussed with them aspects related to strengthening the role of the judiciary in the province.

The meetings touched on the needs of those courts and procuratorates and the difficulties facing their work and mechanisms of coordination with the security services in carrying out their tasks.

The Judicial Council’s Head praised the level of performance, discipline and implementation of procedures for all judicial, administrative and financial tasks at the judicial bodies in the province.

He stressed the importance of concerted efforts to facilitate the tasks of the judicial authorities in carrying out their duties, protecting the interests of society and preserving public and private rights.