YEMEN Press Agency

Trump appoints new White House chief of staff

SANAA, March 7 (YPA) – President Donald Trump announced that Republican Representative Mark Meadows would become a senior White House chief of staff.
“I am pleased to announce that Congressman Mark Meadows will become the White House chief of staff,” Trump said on Twitter On Friday. I’ve known and worked with Mark for a long time, and we have a very good relationship.”

Meadows, a Republican congressman from North Carolina, will replace the ultra-conservative Mick Mulvaney, who had been serving as acting chief of staff since Trump fired John Kelly in December 2019.

Mulvaney has been a key element of the Trump administration in many roles over the past three years.

Mulvaney served as white house chief of staff after serving as director of the Office of Management and Budget, a role he has held since the trump administration began.

White House staff and the president lost faith in Mulvaney last fall after failing to develop an effective strategy to defend the president in the complaint that became the basis of the investigation into tram impeachment proceedings.