YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Houthi responds to UNHCR office in Geneva

SANAA, March, 7 (YPA) –  Member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi responded to the statement of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva demanding to “abolish the death sentences of 35 parliament members. ”

“The statements and accusations made by United Nations usually questionable because its motives are political and financial, not the judiciary,” Mohammed al-Houthi said in a tweet at midnight Friday.

“The Yemeni judiciary is independent. Personally, I don’t mind having lawyers for you to defend traitors, but they are welcome in every capacity, and organizations are available to attend the hearings, ” he added.

In contrast, he criticized the UN’s selectivity in condemnation, saying in a second tweet: “While we do not know the names of the list mentioned by Liz Trussell, the statements are provocative in their defense of traitors and their silence for thousands of crimes.”

“If they spoke, they only call on the parties without condemning the aggression for the massacres they have committed,” he said.

Mohammed al-Houthi described the motives of the UN statements as “political and financial”.

He continued: The UN has to admit that it was threatened with a halt to its funding and forcing it to remove the coalition states from the blacklist of child rights violators. “The scandal of Secretary-General (Ban Ki-moon) continues to resonate with the world when he bowed to political money and removed Saudi Arabia from the list of shame.”

“In the coming days, we may see more rumors against the Yemeni people facing the US-British-Saudi-Emirati aggression and their allies. But they are defeated by the Yemeni people’s awareness of this as well,” he concluded.