YEMEN Press Agency

Sayyed Abdulmalik confirms Yemen’s support for free people of nation

SANAA, Jan. 9 (YPA) – Leader of the revaluation Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi stressed that America has been working for a long time to tame the people of the nation so that it has the right to interfere in their affairs at anytime, anywhere.

He added that the US and its allies are mobilizing to fight against the nation’s people, including countries, groups, factions and alliances.

“On the other hand, they also criminalize any process of solidarity by free people of the nation with each other in one country or another,” Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi said during his speech on the occasion of the Martyr’s annual anniversary on Wednesday.

He explained that US wanted to stabilize the equation of the fragmented battle. It is the most dangerous equation, which is an extension of what the Western countries since the beginning of colonialism, have divided the nation geographically and politically to make it easier for them to interfere in their affairs and control their wealth and decisions.

It relies on hypocrites belonging to the nation to support its interventions and wars in the region, he stated.

In his speech on Wednesday evening, he paid tribute to the martyrs Haj Qassim Soleimani and Abu Mehidi al-Muhandis.

Sayyed Abdulmalik praised the countries of the axis of resistance, which are in the right position that the sons of the Islamic nation should be, expressing the hope that this would be achieved in the near future.

He praised their resistance, steadfastness and not yielding to the American and his equations based on allowing interference in the affairs of the nation and criminalizing their solidarity reactions and condemning them and turning them into a charge against them.

Sayyed Abdulmalik considered the Iranian response by targeting the US bases in Iraq is the beginning to break the thorn of America and defeat it from the region.

He continued: “From now on, the equation will be different from what it was, especially since America has crossed all red lines and reached folly to target leaders and legal figures.”

the revolution leader reiterated the consistent position of the Yemeni people, along with the free people of the nation in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and other people of the nation who did not accept to response to America.