YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli occupation arrests Palestinian activist after releasing her father

SANAA, Dec, 11 (YPA) – The Israeli occupation army arrested Palestinian activist Bushra al-Taweel from her home in the central West Bank city of Al-Bireh on Wednesday morning, one week after the release of her father, Jamal, Palestinian media reported.

Bushra is an activist in detainee cases and a media woman, and she has been arrested several times by the Israeli authorities.

According to eyewitnesses, a military force raided al-Bireh and searched a number of its houses, before arresting the activist, al-Taweel, amid clashes with youths in several neighborhoods.

The occupying army used live bullets, rubber bullets and tear gas canisters against the youths.

Last Wednesday, the occupation released Hamas leader Jamal al-Taweel (Bushra’s father), after 20 months of administrative detention.