YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi-led coalition forces continue to escalate on several fronts, violate the Hodeidah ceasefire agreement

SANAA, Oct. 24 (YPA) – Saudi-led coalition forces and mercenaries continued to carry out air strikes and infiltration attempts on a number of fronts and violated the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah Province during the past 24 hours, a security official told Yemen Press Agency on Thursday .

A security source said coalition warplanes launched 170 air strikes on Saada and Hajjah provinces northern Yemen.

He noted that coalition forces continued to escalate on the border fronts without making any progress after inflicted heavy losses from the army and popular committees.

In Saada, the official added that coalition warplane carried out four air strikes on the area of Bani Sayah in Razih district, while several populated villages in the same district were hit by Saudi rocket and artillery shelling, causing damage to the farms of citizens.

In Hodeidah province, the official confirmed that the Saudi-led shelled the village of Al-Sha’ab and north-west of Maghzy village in Hays district and targeted al-Faza and Al-Qurshiya in al- Tuhita district, using heavy and medium weapons.

The official condemned the continued violating  of the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah by the coalition and targeting civilians, populated areas, farms, public markets and private property in the various provinces of the Republic in a dishonourable international silence.