YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen’s Defense Minister vows Saudi Arabia, UAE; confirms that next stage will be decisive

SANAA, Sept. 4 (YPA) – Yemen’s Defense Minister, Major General Mohammed Nasser Al-Atafi has said on Tuesday that the coming stage of the response to the US-Saudi aggression will be decisive and it will help the Yemeni People.

He pointed out that there is a lot of manufacturing capabilities that the enemy does not know about which will enhance the Army’s ability to intensify its targeting of the vital targets listed in the depth of the enemy.

In a statement for the Yemeni news agency Saba, Al-Atafi vowed the US-backed Saudi-led aggression harsh respond in the depth of its territory and targeting its vital facilities.

“We will destroy and dismantle its forces more than ever if the aggression is stopped and the siege is not lifted, ” He said.
The Minister of Defense called on all the mislead people to return to the homeland, which can accommodate all Yemeni from Mahrah to Saada.

He encouraged them to take up this opportunity presented by the general amnesty issued by the country’s Supreme Political leadership.

Al-Atafi threatened the Saudi-led aggression, which has become very close to collapsing, “it will pay a heavy price for the heinous crimes committed against our people,” the last of which was the crime of bombing “prisoners of war”.

He also affirmed that the course of events, with its new developments, pointing to the victory of the Yemeni people, strategic choices in freedom, pride, dignity, sovereignty, unity and independence.