Saudi team to manage the Central Bank of Yemen in Aden
ADEN- Jan. 22 (YPA) The Saudi ambassador to Aden Mohammed Al Jaber arrived in Aden two days ago accompanied by a Saudi administrative team to manage the Central Bank of Yemen in Aden, informed sources told Yemeni Press Agency on Monday.
ADEN- Jan. 22 (YPA) The Saudi ambassador to Aden Mohammed Al Jaber arrived in Aden two days ago accompanied by a Saudi administrative team to manage the Central Bank of Yemen in Aden, informed sources told Yemeni Press Agency on Monday.
Observers considered the move a confirmation of the imposition of Saudi financial mandate on Yemeni southern regions, while others counted it as a breach of the Yemeni sovereignty as the central bank is a sovereign bank.
Economic analysts told Yemeni Press Agency that the corruption of Bin Dagher government is a normal result of the absence of the accountability.
Ahmed M./bam