YEMEN Press Agency

Aden Refinery staffs warn against plan to privatize it

ADEN, July 7 (YPA) – Workers and staffs at Aden Refinery Company have warned against plan to privatize the company in favor of top corrupt officials in exiled Hadi’s government.

“We are watching with a deep and increasing concerns news and hints about intentions of privatizing Aden Refinery,” said a document issued by the committee of workers and employees of the company.

The document, dated July 1, 2019, explained that the company’s administration has started “the initial steps of privatization, which is to make the refinery worthless and formally incapacitated and lay off its workers in order to devour it easily.”

The workers committee pointed out that the administration has arbitrarily stopped the workers demanding the operation of the refinery, in a bid to suppress the workers and muzzle their mouths.

The committee warned all parties and investors, including companies, whether major or minor against the refinery privatization, stressing that the warning “includes the government and corrupt administration in the refinery.”

It stressed “Aden Refinery Company is not for sale”, confirming that the workers would not leave the refinery and would be stationed inside.

The document, called on all workers, civil society organizations and trade unions to stand together “to preserve this huge economic edifice and not leave it to the whales of corruption.”