ADEN, May 28 (YPA) – The leadership of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) occupation forces stationed in the occupied Aden has begun to reduce the amount of money which it provided to its armed mercenary groups, the so-called Security Belt and Elite Forces, media sources reported on Monday.
According to the sources, this news has led to the banditry of these groups. They have prevented the entry of commercial trucks to and out of Aden and imposed large bribes to allow their passage.
Southern sources said that the UAE-backed security Belt forces have imposed levies and royalties on commercial vehicles and trucks security checkpoints at the entrances of Aden.
Drivers of the commercial goods transports have complained of being blackmailed by the militants, especially those on the Al Alam checkpoint east of the city and the Rebat point in the north.
The same sources reported that the UAE militia authorities had imposed on truck drivers a payment of 30,000 riyals in exchange for granting clearances to enter or exit of commercial trucks to and from Aden.
The sources further stressed that the UAE-backed militia forced drivers to pay the money without official bonds.