YEMEN Press Agency

German “Peace Academy” awards honorary doctorate to leadership of capital Sanaa

SANAA, May 6 (YPA) – The German Peace Academy in Yemen on Monday awarded Mayor of the Capital Sanaa Hamoud Obad and Secretary General of the Local Council in the Capital Ameen Jumaan, and members of the Local Council Hamoud al-Naqib and Yahya al-Makhathi the honorary doctorate and the mark of excellence in development, construction and community participation.

The German Peace Academy’s Branch in Yemen has chosen Obad, Jumaan, al-Naqib and al-Makhathi from among the best local figures who contributed distinctly to the development and advancement of the capital’s Secretariat.

At the honoring, Jumaan said that the priorities and duties of the local authority in the capital are to provide basic services to citizens in different districts and alleviate their suffering, particularly in light of the continued aggression and siege.

