YEMEN Press Agency

Presidency Office’s Director stresses on developing Ombudsman Office’s work

SANAA, May 6 (YPA) – Director of the Office of the Presidency of the Republic Ahmed Hamed on Monday stressed the importance of developing a plan and a program to develop the work of the Ombudsman Office.

During his meeting with Chief of the Ombudsman Office Dr. Abdulmalik al-Aghbari and members of the Office, Hamed confirmed that President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al-Mashat pays big attention to facilitate the work of the Ombudsman Office.

The meeting reviewed the main obstacles facing the Ombudsman Office and ways to overcome them.

The meeting also dealt with aspects of coordination with judicial and security bodies to ensure the enforcement of justice and to speed up procedures, as well as the issues of prisons and prisoners and engaging the Ombudsman in the relevant committees.

