YEMEN Press Agency

51 people injured in huge fire in Cairo

SANAA, May 4 (YPA) – Fifty-one people were injured on Friday after a huge fire broke out in one of the largest commercial markets in Cairo, according to Egyptian media sources.

The fire broke out in a warehouse in the market of Muski (central Cairo), and the flames spread to dozens of shops.

The sources quoted the Egyptian Health Minister, Hala Zayed, as saying that “hospitals and burn centers in the vicinity of Al-Azhar in central Cairo, raised the degree of readiness to the maximum after the injury of 51 people in a fire incident in Al-Muski district.”

Injuries ranged from suffocation, burns and fractures, while fire control continued for more than 10 hours after being renewed again, according to the media.

The Egyptian authorities did not announce the cause of the fire or the amount of material damage until 20:10 GMT.

Al-Muski is one of the most famous commercial areas in Cairo. Hundreds of shops are selling clothes and electrical appliances.