YEMEN Press Agency

Prisoners’ relatives assaulted, harassed at Bir Ahmed prison in Aden

ADEN, April 29 (YPA) – Militias of the so-called “security belt” backed by the UAE in Aden province, eastern Yemen, are continuing to commit grave violations against detainees in the well-known Bir Ahmed prison in Aden.

A new scandal occurred on Sunday in the aforementioned notorious prison, where citizens were prevented from visiting their detained relatives and only women were allowed amid threats and harassment against them inside the prison.

One of relatives of the detainees revealed that a police officer named Murad Sayel had harassed a wife of one of the detainees after asking her for her phone number to contact her husband detained inside the prison.

Sources said that “against the backdrop of this scandal and others a new wave of protests broke out inside the prison on Sunday.

“Every week we go to the prison we face more obstacles and difficulties in order to prevent us from meeting our sons,” a mother of one of the detainees in the prison said.

