YEMEN Press Agency

Politician warns of spread of relief centers south Yemen

ADEN, Dec. 17 (YPA) – A Yemeni southern politician on Monday warned of the spread of relief centers in Yemen’s southern provinces, which are created by the UAE forces under the name of “Emirates Red Crescent.”

“The southern provinces are rich in oil and gas, and must reject all politicized humanitarian aid or should not rely on relief centers,” said Ali al-Zamki.

Al-Zamki explained that the halt of work in the productive institutions in the southern provinces is a systematic and intended. “The relief centers are paving the way for the proliferation of terrorist elements and for international interventions as widely as in Somalia and Afghanistan,” he said.

He added that the expansion of relief programs in any country “will be a source of the continuation of the civil war.”

The Emirates Red Crescent of the UAE occupation targets many southern areas through the distribution of crumbs of humanitarian aid, while oil resources are being exploited for its benefit in several southern provinces.

