YEMEN Press Agency
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Saudi-led coalition

Foreign Ministry condemns mass execution in Saudi Arabia

SANAA, March 13 (YPA) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sanaa on Sunday condemned in the strongest terms the Saudi regime's execution of dozens of people, including two Yemeni captives. In a statement issued today, the ministry indicated…

Pro-STC tribes besiege Masila oilfields in Hadramout 

HADRAMOUT, March 12 (YPA) - Gunmen affiliated with tribes loyal to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) surrounded the oilfields in Masila area of Hadramout province, eastern Yemen, local sources said on Saturday. The sources…

One of Al-Qaeda leaders killed south of Marib

MARIB, March 10 (YPA) - Al-Qaeda organization in the Arabian Peninsula on Thursday mourned one of its most prominent military leaders, who was killed by Sanaa forces fire in Marib province. A statement issued by Al-Qaeda's Jihad Base said…

Coalition forces violate Hodeida armistice 151 times

HODEIDA, March 09 (YPA) - The US-backed Saudi-led coalition forces committed 151 violations of the Sweden agreement in Hodeida province over the past 24 hours, the operations room to monitor the violations said on Wednesday. A source at the…