YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

Saudi-led coalition airstrike hits Saada

SAADA, July 10 (YPA) – US-Saudi-led coalition fighter jets on Tuesday launched a strike on Saada province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The strike hit Olaf area of Saher district. Earlier, the fighter jets waged a series of…

Army destroys military vehicle, kills crew in Jawf

JAWF, July 10 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Tuesday destroyed a military vehicle of coalition militiamen, killed its crew in Jawf province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The operation happened in Sabrain area. Earlier, dozens of…

Army kills coalition militiamen in Taiz

TAIZ, July 10 (YPA) – Dozens of Saudi-led coalition militiamen were killed and injured when the Yemeni army foiled an infiltrate attempt towards Taiz province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The operation happened in al-Salu…

Three coalition militiamen killed in Jawf

JAWF, July 10 (YPA) - The Yemeni army on Tuesday shot dead three coalition militiamen in Jawf province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The operation took place in al-Maslub district. Earlier, dozens of militiamen were killed…

Dozens Of Coalition’s Militiamen Killed, Wounded In Sanaa

SANAA, July 10 (YPA) - Dozens of coalition's militiamen were killed on Tuesday and others injured in an offensive of the army in Sanaa province, a military source said. The offensive targeted the militia's sites in Yam area of Nehm…

Army hits coalition militiamen in Najran

NAJRAN, July 10 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Tuesday waged an offensive against sites of coalition-backed militiamen in Najran province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The attack hit the militiamen off al-Khadra crossing point,…