YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

2 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Jawf

JAWF, Feb.5 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition’s fighter jets launched on Wednesday two airstrikes on Jawf province, a military official said. According to the official, the airstrikes were waged on al-Aqba area of Khub…

2 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Nihm

SANAA, Feb. 5 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led coalition warplanes on Wednesday launched two airstrikes on Sanaa province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. According to the official, the airstrikes were waged on Nihm district. On…

Saudi-led coalition attacks areas in Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, Feb. 5 (YPA) – The Saudi-led aggression forces and mercenaries continued to attack several areas in Hodeidah province, in a new violation of the ceasefire agreement, a military official said on Wednesday. According to the…

Video: Military operation “al-Buniyan al-Marsus” in Jawf

JAWF, Feb. 5 (YPA) - Military media unit of the Yemeni released on Tuesday video footage showing the military operation “al-Buniyan al-Marsus” in Jawf province. The video showed the Yemeni army storming the…

New Saudi military vehicles arrive in Shabwah

SHABWAH, Feb. 4 (YPA) - A new batch of Saudi military reinforcements has arrived in Shabwah province, south-eastern Yemen, local sources reported on Tuesday. According to the sources, dozens of Saudi vehicles and armored vehicles on board…