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Bomb targets military camp in Aden

ADEN, April 2 (YPA) - An explosive device went off on Monday a gate of Tariq military camp nearby the presidential protection encampment of the resigned president Hadi, a security official told Yemen Press agency. The bomb hit the camp in…

President meets Electricity, Energy Minister

SANAA, April 2 (YPA) – President Saleh al-Sammad on Monday met with minister of electricity and energy, Latif al-Jarmouzi to discuss situations of the ministry during the current phase. At the meeting, the president briefed on the plans and…

Five coalition airstrikes attack Bayda

BAYDA, April 2 (YPA) – Saudi-led coalition warplanes on Monday waged five strikes on Bayda province, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The strikes hit  Central Security Camp in Bayda provincial capital city. AA

Army kills dozens of coalition militants in Jawf

JAWF, April 2 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Monday killed dozens of coalition militants, others injured and three militants vehicles in Jawf province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.  The army hit the militants with their vehicles…

3 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Marib

MARIB,  April 2 (YPA) – The fighter jets of US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Monday launched three airstrikes on Marib province, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The airstrikes caused damages in residents houses and farms. Meanwhile,…