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Salafiste Sheikh survives drive-by shooting attempt

HADHRAMOUT, March 25 (YPA) – A Salafiste Sheikh on Sunday survived an assassination attempt by unknown gunmen in the Yemeni province of Hadhrarmout,  eyewitnesses said. Sheikh Saleh Mansour was transported to hospital after the drive-by…

Several citizens injured in bomb blast in Taiz

 TIAZ, March 25 (YPA) – Several civilians were injured when a military vehicle of coalition militants exploded in Taiz province, A reporter told Yemen Press Agency. The bomb was went off  in front of the building of Education Office.

President: Yemeni people are invincible people 

SANAA, March 25 (YPA) - President Saleh Al-Sammad on Sunday confirmed that Yemeni people are invincible people no matter what the challenges are. During his visit to Al-Sabeen Square in the capital Sanaa, which will host a mass rally on…