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Zilzal-2 Missile hits Saudi troops in Najran

NAJRAN, JIZAN, Feb. 25 (YPA) - The Yemeni army missile force on Sunday fired a Zilzal-2 missile toward Saudi troops in Najran region, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The missile hit Saudi soldiers' gatherings in Raqabat Sagam…

Coalition military vehicles bombed in Taiz

TAIZ, Feb. 25 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Sunday bombed two military vehicles of coalition forces' militias in Taiz province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The military vehicles were targeted in the western coast and eastern…

Qatar praises Yemen’s revolution leader

SANAA, Feb. 25 (YPA) - The chief editor of “Al-Arab” Doha -Based newspaper, Abdullah bin Hamad al-Athba praised the leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Deen al-Houthi. “The brave “Abdulmalik al-Houthi" says good…

Ballistic missile hits coalition militias in Marib

MARIB, Feb. 25 (YPA) – The Yemeni army fired on Sunday a locally-developed ballistic missile of Qaher-M2 type towardSaudi-backed militias' camp in Marib province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The missile hit the militias'…