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Army attacks coalition militants in Taiz

TAIZ, April 4 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Tuesday carried out an attack against sites of coalition-backed militants in Taiz province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The gunmen were targeted in al-Alwah position of Al-Dhabab…

2 women killed in Saudi-led airstrike on Saada

SANAA, Apr. 3 (YPA) - Two Yemeni women on Tuesday were killed and four others civilians were injured when US-Saudi-led coalition warplane launched a strike on Saada province, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The airstrike…

Yemen President: We must be ready for challenge

SANAA, Apr. 3 (YPA) - The President of the Supreme Political Council, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Saleh Al-Sammad, urged on Monday all members of the armed forces and security forces to get ready to defend the country…

Bin Salman: We share common interests with Israel

SANAA, April. 3 (YPA)- Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman confirmed that  his country shares interests with Israel, pointing out that once peace has been achieved  in the region, it would be "a lot of interests between Israel and the…