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Dozens of civilians killed in Socotra Island Mekunu storm

SOCOTR, May 24 (YPA) - Dozens of people were killed and at least 20 others were missing on Thursday after Tropical cyclone Mekunu hit Socotra Island heavily,the authorities said. The storm intensified as floods flooding several villages,…

UAE Justifies its Occupation of Socotra

SANAA, May 24 (YPA) - After the dispute between the UAE occupation forces and Bin Daghar’ authorities, loyal to the US-backed Saudi–led coalition, on the occupation of Socotra island, Bin Daghar’s authority  filed an official complaint to…

N. Korea dismantles nuclear test site

SNAA, May 24 (YPA) - North Korea dismantled it’s only known nuclear test site on Thursday, the Associated Press reported. The Punggye-ri site in Kilju, North Hamgyong Province, is regarded as one of the most important facilities in the…

UAE-backed militias assault a judge in Aden

EDEN, May 24 (YPA) - A judge on Wednesday afternoon was assaulted and beaten by what so-called “security belt forces” funded by the UAE occupation forces in the city of Aden, sources told Yemen Press Agency. The sources confirmed that the…

Saudi media admits killing 10 of its soldiers in border front

    SANAA, May 24 (YPA) – Saudi media on Thursday admitted killing  ten of its soldiers and in a confrontation with Yemen army in border fronts, Ansar Allah Media Center reported. The media confirmed that the army’s fires  killed ten  …

Update: Tropical cyclone Mekunu hits Socotra heavily

SOCOTRA, May 24 (YPA) – The tropical cyclone Mekunu on Thursday heavily the coast of Socotra Island causing the flooding of several areas in Hadibo, the capital of Yemen’s province of Socotra. Local sources told the Yemeni Press Agency…