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Saudi-led airstrike hits Saada

SAADA, June 1 (YPA) – Warplane of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Friday launche a strike on Saada province, Ansar Allah Media Center reported. The air strike targeted Ghamar area of Razih border district, the center added.

Woman killed, 2 injured in Saudi ground bombing in Saada

SAADA, June 1 (YPA) – A woman was killed and two civilians, a man and his wife, were injured when the US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Friday shelled Saada province by artillery and missile, Ansar Allah Media Center reported. The shelling…

Report: Army’s operations inflict Saudi troop heavy losses

SANAA, June 1 (YPA) – The army has carried out unique military operations during the past hours  and inflicted Saudi troops heavy losses, a defense ministry official told Yemen Press Agency on Friday. The official confirmed the success of…

Health Minister discusses supporting Hodeidah’s hospitals

HODEAIDAH, June 1 (YPA) - Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakil, on Thursday evening discussed the support of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and World Health Organization (WHO) to hospitals of…