YEMEN Press Agency
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Video: army attacks coalition recruits in Hajjah

HAJJAH, Sept. 18 (YPA) – Military media of the Yemeni army on Wednesday released a video showing the army waged an attack against the Saudi-led coalition recruits in Hajjah province. The operation took place on Sept, 17, 2019 in Hairan…

Video: Army attacks coalition’s sites in Hajjah

HAJJAH, Sept. 18 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Tuesday distributed footage showing the army forces launching an attack on coalition's tercentenaries sites  in east of Hairan front in Hajjah province.…

Video: Army carries out offensive in Hajjah

HAJJAH, Sept. 17 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Tuesday distributed footage showing the army forces  burning sites of coalition’s forces during launching an attack on their sites  in Hairan front of Hajjah province.…