YEMEN Press Agency
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Video: Army fires Zilzal-1 missiles at Najran

NAJRAN, Dec. 19 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Wednesday distributed footage showing rocketry forces of the army fired missiles at Najran border province. The video showed the moments when the army fired Zilzal-1…

Video: Army repels coalition’s attack in Najran

NAJRAN , Dec. 19 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Wednesday distributed footage showing the army forces repelling an attack of coalition-backed militias in the eastern and western Rashahs site of Najran border province

Video: Army carries out offensive in Marib

MARIB, Dec. 19 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Wednesday distributed footage showing the army forces carrying out an offensive against coalition's militias in Shiki hills and Fatim mount of Harib-Karamish in Marib province.

Video: Army snipers shooting 2 militants in Bayda

BAYDA Dec. 18 (YPA) - Video footages released on Tuesday by the military media of the Yemeni army showing snipers unit shooting tow militants loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen’s central province of Bayda. The two footages showed the…

Video: Army snipers shooting 2 militants in Lahj

LAHJ, Dec. 18 (YPA) - Video footage released on Tuesday by the military media of the Yemeni army showing snipers unit shooting tow militants loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen’s Lahj province. The video showed the moment when the…

 Video: Army snipers shoot 3 militants in Dhalea

HAJJAH, Dec. 18 (YPA) - Video footage released on Tuesday by the military media of the Yemeni army showing snipers unit shooting three militants loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen’s Dhalea province. The video showed the moment when…

Video: Army snipers shooting 4 militants in Jawf

JAWF, Dec. 18 (YPA) - Video footage released on Tuesday by the military media of the Yemeni army showing snipers unit shooting four militants loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen’s Jawf province. The video showed the moment when the…

Video: Army destroys coalition’s armored vehicle in Jawf

JAWF, Dec. 18 (YPA) - The military media of the Yemen army on Tuesday distributed footage showing the army forces destroyed an armored vehicle of coalition-backed militias in Jawf province. The video showed the moments when the army bombing…