YEMEN Press Agency
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Video: Army kills one militiaman in Taiz

TAIZ, Jan. 19 (YPA) - Video footage released on Saturday by the military media of the Yemeni army shows army snipers shooting one militiaman loyal to Saudi-led coalition in Taiz province. The video showed the moment when the militiaman was…

Video: Army controls sites in Najran

NAJRAN, Jan. 19 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Friday distributed footage showing the army forces controlled sites of coalition's forces in Najran border province. Sameera Hassn

Video: Army destroys 2 coalition’s vehicles in Nehm

NEHM, Jan. 19 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Friday distributed footage showing the army forces destroyed two B.M.B military vehicles of coalition-backed militias by guided missile in Nahrin area and Qast-Kamal in Nehm…

Video: Army controls sites in Asir

ASIR, Jan. 17 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Thursday distributed footage showing the army forces carrying out attacks and controlling sites of coalition-backed militias in Asir border province. The video showed the army…

Video: Army repels coalition’s attack in Nehm

NEHM, Jan . 17 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Wednesday distributed footage showing the army forces repelling an attack of coalition-backed militias in Odgaima hill and popular market in Nehm district. Sameera Hassn

Video: Army controls sites in Haradh

HARADH, Jan. 17 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Wednesday distributed footage showing the army forces controlled sites of coalition-backed militias in Mothalath-Ahem of Haradh district by carrying out a large-scale…

Video: Army repels coalition’s attack in Asir

ASIR, Jan. 15 (YPA) - Video footage released on Tuesday by the military media of the Yemeni army shows the army forces repelling an attack carried out by militants loyal to Saudi-led coalition in Raboua’a area of Asir region. E.M

Video: Army carries out offensive in Taiz

TAIZ, Jan. 15 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Monday distributed footage showing the army forces carrying out an offensive against sites coalition's militias in Sabrin front of Taiz province. |