YEMEN Press Agency
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Video: Army repels coalition’s attack in Najran

NAJRAN, Feb. 4 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Sunday distributed a video showing the army forces repelling an attack of coalition-backed militias in front of Sudais mount in Najran border province. Sameera Hassn

Video: Army destroys 2 coalition’s vehicles in Najran

NAJRAN, Feb. 4 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Sunday distributed footage showing the army forces destroying two military vehicles of coalition-backed militias in Najran border province. The video showed the moments when the…

Photo: New Security batch graduates

SAADA, Jan. 31 (YPA) - The Central Security and Police Branch of Saada province organized a security batch graduation ceremony under of name of "Martyr Commanders" on Thursday. During the graduation ceremony, the graduates carried out…