YEMEN Press Agency
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Video: Army destroys coalition’s bulldozer in Jizan

JIZAN, March 7 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Wednesday distributed footage showing the army forces destroying a bulldozer of coalition's forces by a guided missile in Jizan border province.

Video: Army foils coalition’s attack in Asir

ASIR, March 6 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Tuesday distributed footage showing the army forces repelling a large-scale attack of coalition-backed militias in Raboaa front of Asir border province.…

Video: Army repels coalition’s attack in Asir

ASIR, March 6 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Tuesday distributed footage showing the army forces repelling an attack of coalition-backed militias in Abwab-Hadid off Alb border crossing of Asir region.

Video: Army fires missile at Nehm

NEHM, March 6 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Tuesday distributed footage showing rocketry forces of the army firing a Zilzal -1 missile at gatherings of coalition-backed militias in Hawl area and the artillery forces of the…

Video: Army repels coalition’s attack in Jizan

JIZAN, March 5 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Monday distributed footage showing the army forces repelling an attack of coalition-backed militias in front of Qais mount in Jizan border province.…

Video: Army attacks coalition’s sites in Haradh

HARADH, March 5 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Monday distributed footage showing the army forces carrying out an attack against sites of coalition-backed militias in Hairan front of Haradh district.

Video: Army fires Zilzal -1 missile at Dhalea

DHALEA, March 5 (YPA) – The military media of the Yemen army on Monday distributed footage showing rocketry forces of the army firing a missile, Zilzal -1, at gatherings of coalition-backed militias in Damt front of Dhalea province.