YEMEN Press Agency
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Heavy rainfall expected within coming 24 hours

SANAA, Aug. 10 (YPA) - The National Center of Meteorology has expected more rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms in a number of the Yemeni provinces within the coming 24 hours. The center affirmed in its weather forecast on Monday that the…

Child drowned to death in Sanaa

SANAA, Aug. 10 (YPA) – A child drowned on Monday to death in Khawlan al-Taial district of Sanaa province, according a heath official in the province. Ali Ahmed Abu Hashem, a director of the health office in the district, affirmed that the…

Saudi-led coalition detains 18 oil ships

SANAA, Aug 10 (YPA) – The Yemeni Oil Company revealed that the Saudi-led aggression coalition continued to detain 18 ships including 4 ships loaded with Mazut and gas, and 14 ships loaded with gasoline and diesel. In a press conference on…

“Yemen Mobile” network stops servicing

SANAA, Aug. 9 (YPA) - The Yemeni Telecommunications Network "Yemen Mobile" stopped servicing on Sunday evening in all Yemeni provinces. According to sources in the company, the subscribers cannot make or receive any calls and text messages,…

Oil derivatives crisis hits southern provinces

SANAA, Aug. 9 (YPA) - The oil company of exiled Hadi's government raised prices of benzine from 5400 to 6600 R, Media sources told Yemen Press Agency. The sources said that the new price dose coincided with a fuel crisis afflicting the…