YEMEN Press Agency
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Security forces arrest drug-promoting gang in capital Sanaa

SANAA, April 11 (YPA) – The Ministry of Interior announced on Saturday the arrest of a dangerous drug-promoting gang in the capital Sanaa. The official spokesman for the Ministry, Brigadier General Abdulkhaleq Al-Ajri, explained that the…

“Shabwani Elite” militias cut off main road in Aden

ADEN, April 11 (YPA) - The so-called "Shabwani Elite" militias funded by the UAE on Saturday cut off one of the main roads in Aden city, southern Yemen. Local sources in the city explained that the Shabwani Elite militia, affiliated with…

Terrorist elements vandalize cemeteries in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, April 10 (YPA) - Extremist 'takfiri' groups on Saturday demolished several "Sufi" shrines in Hadramout province, eastern Yemen. According to local sources in the province, extremist elements believed to be affiliated with the…

Fire breaks out in displaced camp in Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, April 8 (YPA) - A fire broke out on Thursday in one of displaced camps in al-Khukha district of Hodeidah province, local sources told Yemen Press Agency. The sources indicated that the fire broke out in a number of frond dwellings…