YEMEN Press Agency
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Foreign oil companies intend to leave Shabwa

SHABWA, Oct. 29 (YPA) - Local media revealed on Saturday the intention of foreign oil companies to leave Shabwa province, eastern Yemen, for security reasons. "Al-Mahariya" TV channel quoted sources it described as private, saying that "the…

Islah Party parades its military forces on Saudi borders

MARIB, Oct. 29 (YPA) – The Islah Party carried out on Saturday an unprecedented military parade on the Saudi borders. This coincides with the escalation of tension with the Saudi-led coalition amid the completion of the cycles of uprooting…

Meteorologists expect cold, dry weather within coming hours

SANAA, Oct. 29 (YPA) - The National Center of Meteorology is expected cold and dry weather in several Yemeni provinces within the coming 24 hours. The center said, in its weather bulletin on Saturday, that the weather would be cold and dry…