YEMEN Press Agency

Army causes heavy losses to coalition militias in Jawf

JAWF, Feb. 10 (YPA) – The Yemeni army forces on Sunday caused heavy losses to militias loyal to Saudi-led coalition in Jawf province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.

The official said “the army units backed by the popular committees’ fighters repelled an infiltration attempt by the coalition militias in Astor front in Khab Washaf district.”

The infiltration, which lasted five hours due to ambushes set by the Yemeni army, resulted in many dead and wounded in ranks of the militias, as well as material losses, despite the air cover provided by the coalition aircrafts, he added.

A group of the coalition recruits were caught in an ambush set up by the army units in Salba front in Khab Washaf district, according to the military official.

On Saturday, the army and the popular committees attacked positions of the coalition militias in Waqaz front in al-Masloub district, in conjunction with artillery shelling, while the engineering unit blew up three military vehicles carrying militants in al-Khalifain front in Khab Washaf district.

