YEMEN Press Agency

Political leadership is keen to uplift reality of Civil Defense Department: Deputy PM

SANAA, Jan. 15 (YPA) – Deputy Prime Minister for Security and Defense Affairs Maj. Gen. Jalal al-Ruwishan on Tuesday said that the political leadership is keen to uplift the reality of the Civil Defense Department and to enhance its interventions to save the public and private property.

Maj. Gen. al-Ruwishan discussed, during his meeting with Chief of the Civil Defense Department Maj. Gen. Abdulfattah al-Madani, the current status of the department and ways to provide its urgent needs according to directives of President of the Supreme Political Council and Prime Minister on developing the department capacities to enable it to do its role in extinguishing fires and responding to disasters, whether natural or resulting from the aggression and air raids.

He considered the Civil Defense Department one of the most important institutions related to the safety of people and their lives and property, noting that he would submit a comprehensive presentation to the Cabinet on the department situation, accompanied by necessary proposals to develop its capacities.

