Writer: Sirwah and Nihem fronts will change balance of power, Saudi-led coalition will sink in Yemeni sand
SANAA, Dec. 23 (YPA) – Yemeni political writer Abdullah Salem al-Hakimi said that taken control over Sirwah district in Marib province the Yemeni Army, will positively influence the work to repel and resist the aggression.
“There is no doubt that taken control over Sirwah district overlooking the city of Marib by the Yemeni Army will positively influence on Nihem front,” Abdullah Salem al-Hakimi said in his Twitter account on Saturday.
لاشك ان سيطرة الجيش واللجان الشعبية والامن وابناء صرواح الشرفاء على مديرية صرواح في محافظة مارب ،ستؤثر تلقائيا وعلى نحو ايجابي على جبهة نهم،وكلا جبهتي صرواح ونهم ستغيران موازين القوى العسكرية لصالح مقاومة العدوان والاحتلال ومرتزقتهم،وستدفعهم اكثر للغرق في رمال اليمن المتحركة
— عبدالله سلام الحكيمي (@goshamyam) December 21, 2018
He added that both Sirwah and Nihem fronts will change the balance of military forces in favor of resisting aggression, occupation and their mercenaries, and will push them more to drown in the Yemeni sand.