YEMEN Press Agency

Guard of Hadi gov’t shoot at civilian demonstrators in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 27 (YPA) – Guard of Masheeq Palace, headquarters of the exiled Hadi government in the southern port city of Aden, on Thursday shot at anti-government protesters demanding the exit of Saudi-led coalition forces from Yemen, a local official told Yemen Press Agency.

A popular demonstration kicked off from Crater district, and when it approached the Masheeq Palace’s gate the gate guards started firing at the crowds of civilian protesters, according to the official.

“The guard opened fire intensively from light and medium weapons, causing panic and fear among the demonstrators,” eyewitnesses said.

The demonstrators denounced the deteriorating economic situation and demanded the government to leave.

The city of Aden and several southern provinces have witnessed angry demonstrations and civil disobedience since the beginning of this month in protest against the government corruption and its inability to find solutions to the economic crisis, as well as demanding the withdrawal of coalition forces from Yemen.



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