YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-coalition government leases gas tanks to black market trader in Aden

ADEN, March 15 (YPA) -Informed sources working in the Aden refineries reported that the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition leased gas storage tanks, with a total capacity of 1,200 tons, to a local trader without any financial compensation.

The sources stated that the tanks were leased to the trader, “Hisham Al-Maghrabi,” under the pretext of providing domestic gas during crisis periods. However, he allegedly used them to trade gas on the black market.

According to the sources, Al-Maghrabi brings gas from the Marib region and sells it on the black market at inflated prices, benefiting from the protection of several officials and faction leaders in Aden.

The sources also indicated that faction leaders receive a share of the profits Al-Maghrabi earns from selling gas on the black market.

They pointed out that these quantities are sold at a price difference of up to 300 million Yemeni riyals compared to the official price, exacerbating the gas crisis in the city and increasing the suffering of citizens.

The sources accused the trader of being behind the gas crisis in Aden.
