YEMEN Press Agency

UAE ignites conflict between Hadramout, Shabwa

HADRAMOUT, Oct. 15 (YPA) – The UAE-backed “Hadrami Elite” factions have established a military point in the Radom District of Shabwa Province, eastern Yemen, informed sources reported on Tuesday.

The leaders of these factions have called on local authorities in Hadramout province to evacuate the point in the Ambah Bardoum coastal area.

This follows the establishment of an armed point by the “Second Marine Infantry Brigade” in Radom Shabwa last month, after the Hadramout Tribes Confederacy’s creation of points in the Broum Mayfa District to prevent wealth smuggling.

The UAE has revived the old conflict between Hadramout and Shabwa over the Ambah coast area, located on the Arabian Sea and close to the Balhaf gas facility.